Lake Disappointment (Potash from brine)
Global Groundwater Pty Ltd were contracted by Reward Minerals to conduct the hydrogeological assessment of Lake Disappointment as the basis for a JORC standard resource estimate for their Potash deposit.
A total of 30 holes were drilled using a purpose built "Geoprobe" rig which was transported over the Lake by helicopter.
The cores retrieved from the lake were collected in sealed tubes that recovered the Lake sediments as well as the entrained brine for the interval.
The drilling determined that the lakebed sediments are at least 3 metres and up to 10 metres in thickness, averaging 4.1 metres. Heavy brine flow was encountered in every hole.
In addition to the drilling, a test-pumping program was carried out at three separate trench sites to define the brine flow characteristics of the lakebed sediments.
A base camp was set up on the edge of the lake for the duration of the program which was conducted in heat of December.
Access was gained along the Canning Stock route requiring mobilization using our specialised all-wheel drive vehicles.